Study Abroad – Study Away

Shoreline’s study abroad and study away programs provide opportunities for students to learn about the culture in the place of study, while encouraging self-discovery and shaping the role students will play in their future communities.





Contact Us

Study Abroad

PUB (9000) Building, Room 9302
Colleen Ferguson
(206) 546-4697
See the College's operating hours

Preparing for Study Abroad - Study Away

Our goal is to offer students powerfully enriching experiences in unique locations. Students who are well-prepared for their experience have the most to gain. We therefore encourage students who are considering study abroad and study away to begin preparing early in their college career. This includes:

  1. Making an appointment with a study abroad advisor by emailing An advisor can help you select a ‘best-fit’ program and will help you get started with the planning process.
  2. Because identity and communication skills will play a major role in the type of interactions you will have, we recommend you take one of the following Shoreline courses to begin thinking about identity, perception and communication in constructive ways: Introduction to Communication CMST&101, Communication for Social Change CMST203, Interpersonal Communication CMST&210, Intercultural Communication CMST203, Introduction to Multicultural Studies MCS105, Gender, Race and Class GWS284, and/or World Cultures ANTH130.
  3. Begin financial planning and saving money right away! Check out our scholarships page and be ready to apply 9-12 months in advance of your program’s departure.
  4. The health and safety of our students is of paramount importance. Students should begin thinking about the health resources they rely upon here at home, and talk with an advisor about how they can continue to meet those needs while away.

Short-Term Programs

Pre-Covid, Shoreline faculty offered unique two- to four-week-long programs all over the world, accessing the location as a broad learning environment. These programs ran during summer quarter or the breaks between quarters.  Shoreline students have had the opportunity to travel and learn in Honduras, Thailand, Greece & Turkey, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Bolivia, England, Guatemala, Japan, Mexico, South Africa and China. Check back for updates about short-term programs we have planned for Summer 2024!

Quarter-long Programs

GSA Partner Logo

Shoreline is an active member of the Washington State Community College Consortium for Study Abroad (WCCCSA). Through the Consortium and other partnerships, quarter-long programs are typically offered during fall, winter and spring quarters to destinations in Europe, Central and South America and Asia.