Worker Retraining 

Training For Dislocated & Unemployed Workers

Worker Retraining is a state-funded program that provides job-related training and employment services to dislocated and unemployed workers to help them gain additional training in their existing field or get started on a new career path. Training is available in any of our Professional/Technical programs. Students can choose to take occupational supplemental classes to upgrade their skills or earn a certificate or AAAS degree.

Types of Assistance

  • Tuition and fees for those who qualify
  • Provide navigation through Professional Technical Programs
  • Assistance in planning your education goals
  • Priority registration
  • Referral to other funding sources
  • Assistance in filling, signing and sending progress reports to Employment Security Department
  • Helping with Training Benefit and Commissioner Approved Training Applications and appeals


You must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Currently receiving Unemployment Benefit or have exhausted those benefits within the past 48 months or have received a layoff notice
  • Displaced homemakers
  • Formerly self-employed and your business is no longer viable
  • Disaster impacted person who lost jobs and/or their hours of work reduced
  • Military personnel who have been honorably discharged within the past 48 months or have received a separation order
  • Lost your professional job and engaged in a temporary, part-time or full time job; while training for a permanent employment
  • Be enrolled in a Professional/Technical program
  • Be enrolled in at least 5 credits (part time) or 12 credits or more (for full time ) each quarter
  • Must be a Washington state resident and/or currently receiving unemployment benefits from any state in the Union and attending Shoreline Community College

How to Apply

1. To get started, please attend a funding orientation:

  • Sign up for an orientation by calling (206) 546-5882
  • Orientations occur on Wednesdays from 2-4:30pm
  • Topics covered: college overview, financial assistance available (including Worker Retraining), occupation/education resources, and CAT/TB information

View permit and parking instructions

2.  After attending a Funding Orientation, call (206) 546-5882 to schedule appointments with:

  • Worker Retraining Program Specialist Fikru Diro AND
  • Employment Security (ESD) representative Joy DoBell (to assist with CAT/TB and other paperwork)

Additional Information

CAT/TB Information (for students receiving Unemployment Insurance):

  • Commissioner Approved Training (CAT) allows an individual to attend full-time training and continue to collect Unemployment Insurance. If you are approved for CAT, your work search requirement is waived while enrolled in classes. CAT is intended to provide an individual with skills necessary to obtain or retain stable employment.
  • Training Benefits (TB) can increase the total number of weeks you are eligible to receive Unemployment benefits if you are attending full-time approved training.

Contact Us

Worker Retraining

FOSS (5000) Building, Room 5101
Fikru Diro
(206) 546-6957
(206) 546-5882
See the College's operating hours